Don't Forget Picture Day is tomorrow!! See you all tomorrow with a smile on your face!

With much hard work, dedication and patience on everyone's part, I am excited to begin our new school year! Monday, September 13th, marks the beginning of my 16th year at Capay School. As we all look forward to beginning our new year in our new facility, I wanted to give you some details to help ensure a smooth start to the year.
Student and staff health and safety is essential for a positive, productive school year. To that end, all staff and students are required to properly wear a mask indoors at all times. The school will also continue to employ appropriate cleaning and disinfecting measures throughout the day. Other important information:
1. Students are allowed on campus no sooner that 8:00 am.
2. Breakfast is served at 8:25 am and school begins @ 8:45 am.
3. Parents are allowed to walk their students to class on the first day of school but are not allowed to enter that classrooms. All teachers will be standing outside their classrooms @ 8:25 am to meet and greet their students and parents.
4. Breakfast and lunch meals are free for all students this year!
5. We are running morning and afternoon bus routes. Please contact the office to add your student(s) to the bus route.
6. School is dismissed at 2:45. If you are picking up your child aftershool, you may park and walk to the front of the school where your child will be waiting or you may use the pick up/drop of lane. Please remain in your vehicle and your child will be dismissed to your vehicle.
7. Our Colt Club aftershool program runs from 2:45 - 6:00 pm. Please contact the office to enroll your student.
Lastly, while we all continue to adjust and cope with these unusual times, let us do it with respect toward each other and in the appropriate venue. Our job at Capay School, is to educate the students who pass through our doors. This requires a positive, collaborative environment for students and staff to focus on learning. It is my responsibility to ensure nothing disrupts or distracts from the teaching and learning. I take that very seriously. I hope I can count on everyone's cooperation to support our students and staff by staying positive, being respectful and lending a helping hand when needed.
I look forward to an outstanding school year!

Do you still need to sign your student(s) up for the after school Colt Club program? Complete this application and return it back to Capay school by email @ kmcnary@capayschool.org, mail: 7504 Cutting Ave. Orland Ca 95963, or come into the office M-F from 8-4.

Our Football & Volleyball players have their first game today! Good Luck and Go Colts!

It is now time to enroll your student(s) for this 21/22 school year. Log into https://capay.schoolwise.com to complete the online registration under the online registration tab . If you have any questions please call the office at 530.865.1222.

Good Evening, The Capay Staff meet today and are very excited to begin the new school year on our new campus! Here is the latest information on masking requirements for K-12 schools. Please call me if you have questions. https://bit.ly/3yhTfxL

The Regular Board Meeting of August 26, 2021 will be held at 6:00pm at Capay School. It will be held both in person and virtually. To join the meeting virtually, please click the following link. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83786443774?pwd=M3pENHlvcEtabGoyOVczbXpXTmU3Zz09

Mark you calendars for this years student events. Glenn County Office of Education will have updates and online registrations for these events at www.glenncoe.org.

Hello Colts! Please join me at 5:00 pm today for our 3rd Return to School meeting. Look forward to seeing you there! Please click on the following link to join the meeting. https://bit.ly/3D0mOHI

Please use the link below to let us know if your child will be using the bus and/or Colt Club for the upcoming school year.

Hello Capay Colts! August is upon us! I hope everyone is having a great summer. As many of you know, we have been busy with our construction projects and they are coming along nicely! As of now, we are still scheduled to begin September 13th! Please join me for a town hall meeting on Thursday, August 5th at 5:00 pm where I will share the details of the start of school, bus service, Colt Club and much, much more! See you there!

Today is an exciting day at Capay! The new classrooms are here and will be set in place!

NVIH mobile dental clinic dates and location for July.

Check out our Capay Colts apparel store and get your Colt gear ready for next School year!

First grade said thank you to Mr. Brown by making a book of thank you letters. They thanked him for all he did this year behind the scenes. All the extra cleaning, helping with lunch serving, all while keeping our campus looking great! Thanks Mr. Brown!

Reminder Colts****today Wednesday June 2nd and tomorrow, Thursday June 3rd, are minimum days! School gets out at 1:00 pm!

Weekly Colt Express May 31st - June 4th

Weekly Colt Express, May 24th - May 28th.

Capay 4H fair days are fun days. We wish all of our kid's, along with all the kids at fair, good luck and good times! Go Colts!