February 16, 2021
With Monday off to celebrate President's Day, it's a short week! Remember to stay focused, work hard, and enjoy the sunshine! Happy Tuesday Colts!
February 10, 2021
Happy Wednesday Colts! Remember to always Bee all that you can Bee and tomorrow we are celebrating Valentine's Day so wear all your Pink and Red.
February 8, 2021
Enjoy the week and be awesome! Be kind and considerate to others and offer a helping hand when you see a need! Go Colts!
January 9, 2021
Happy New Year! We had a great first week back and it looks like we will need to break out the shorts for next week's 70 degree weather! I want to thank everyone who was able...
December 10, 2020
Good Afternoon, It is so nice to have everyone back at school! Capay is all day everyday and will continue until Winter Break. The last day of school before break will be Decem...
December 7, 2020
November 29th, 2020
Dear Capay Parents and Community,
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and enjoyed some time off. The weather has been beautiful and ...
August 30, 2020
August 27, 2020
Dear Capay Parents and Community,
I wanted to update you on a couple of things but I again want to recognize everyone in their perseverance and support in th...