
Dear Parents,

Each year, for many years, we have held a Christmas program at Capay School.  Last year we did not hold a program.  We have been preparing to hold one this year and due to our indoor restrictions, we were planning an outdoor program under the lights and stars.  In looking ahead at the weather for next week, I have been rethinking the outdoor program and have decided we should hold the program indoors on Thursday, Dec. 16th in the morning to ensure that the program takes place.  

We will hold the Christmas Program Thursday morning in three groups:

K-2        9:00 - 9:20

3-5         9:25 - 9:45

6-8         9:50 - 10:10

All guests are required to wear masks and for those who are unable to attend, the program will be  recorded and posted for viewing at a later time.  

This way, we can hold the program regardless of the weather in a space that is familiar to us and still maintain a safe space for all.  I realize that this change will impact some of your personal and/or work schedules so I thank you in advance for your understanding and support.  Please call text or email me if you have questions.